Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Life carries us, indeed.

So yesterday I arrived from Norway. What a journey! I learned a lot. People were friendly and I could follow much of what they were saying. It felt quite fine, actually. Swedish and Norwegian are similar.

What did I learn? 

Rolig that in Swedish means fun, means in Norwegian calm.
Instead of inte (not) one uses ikke in Norwegian.
Jente means girl.
By is city in Norwegian but in Swedish it means village.

There are plenty of words that are different. Most of the words have a different spelling even though the pronunciation might be quite close.

People from Trondheim have a much more confusing pronunciation that from Oslo. People who come from North Norway are easier to understand.

I also learned that Norwegians are much more straightforward then the Swedish people. I actually like that a lot, even though it might be difficult at times. All the people in Norway were very nice to me. I enjoyed my stay so very much that I felt my self like being at home.

Today I met two Norwegian women just here in my village in Sweden. One of the women is probably renting a room at our flat so I could start to learn every day. She is a Norwegian teacher and even has previous experience with foreigners. She has not yet moved in...

Anyway. I have also written to a famous Norwegian scientist Nils Christie, who during seventies wrote a book called: "If the school did not exist". I wrote to him a month ago in English and he has answered in Norwegian.

Takk for interessant brev. Du skriver på engelsk, men av innholdet antar jeg at du også forstår skandinavisk.
Jeg har skrevet litt om skole i det siste, og vedhenger det her. Forhåpentligvis er noe av det av interesse.  
Tilgi det sene svar, det skjer litt for mye rundt meg akkurat nå.
De beste hilsener,

So I got three articles all in Norwegian from him that I now plan to read and translate with my new teacher. Isn´t it wonderful?

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